
Chewing is something that all dog like to do. In fact it helps to keep their jaws strong and their teeth clean. Puppies need to chew to help them during teething. If you catch your dog chewing something you don't want him to chew, take the object away from him and give him something that he is allowed to chew. Be sure to praise him for chewing the proper objects. Be sure to supply him with proper toys and bones to keep him occupied. NEVER give the dog old shoes or socks or towels or any household object as a chew toy. The dog will not be able to tell the difference between the shoe he can chew and your new alligator loafers that he definitely can't chew.
Escape Artists

Escape artists are very adept at getting out of yards. The reasons for escaping can be boredom, loneliness, looking for a mate or just wanting to get out and check out the neighborhood.

With some dogs, using a strong cable can be better than a fence, like with some of the "Nordic" breeds like huskies, who don't like being behind a fence. Very often a privacy fence will solve that problem, because they can't see what's on the other side. Chain link fences are much easier to escape from because dogs can get under the fence or actually learn to use the links to climb the fence.

Electronic fences are not very reliable for containing dogs. The problems with that type of fencing are both keeping your dog in and keeping other animals out. A dog chasing something or running away out of fear, could easily break through the electric shock without even feeling it. Once he's out of the yard, he can't get back in the yard because of the collar. Other animals can still get in your yard because they aren't wearing the collar. That can cause problems for both your dog and the visitor. Another thing to consider is the battery. If the battery wears out and you don't realize it, the fence won't work I happen to have a neighbor who experienced that situation.

I personally don't believe dogs should be left alone in a yard when you are not home. There are too many dangers to them. Escaping, being tormented by neighbors, being dog napped. When you're not home you should bring the dog inside the house or in the garage if possible.


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