Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, also known as the Korthals Griffon, or Wirehaired Continental Pointer, is a rather shaggy and disreputable-looking breed, but this rough exterior hides a master hunter with formidable ability.


The ancestral Griffon was a breed that was very useful to the hunters in France. It was used to point and retrieve small game on land and over water, to beat brush and hedgerow thickets, and it hunted deer, fox, cats and caught rats. This breed was called the "Griffon d'arret a poil dur," and understandably was popular as an all-purpose hunter's companion. However, by the 1860s the breed was in decline and was in dire need of regeneration if it was to survive. Strangely enough, the salvation for the breed came not from France, but from a gentle man in Amsterdam called Eduard Karel Korthals. He started with only seven dogs, and with care and attention he managed to revive the breed.

Physical characteristics:

The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a medium-sized dog, rather shorter in the leg in comparison to the body than most Pointers, but by no means short-legged. Height: 19 - 24 in (48 - 61 cm). Weight: 45 - 60 lb (20 - 27 kg).

The head is long and large, and the ears are medium-sized and set on moderately low. The long body and muscular, powerful legs are covered with a medium-length, very bristly, broken coat. Hence the name "Wirehaired." The coat is slightly longer on the head, forming bushy eyebrows and a medium-length moustache and beard. The tail is customarily docked, and is usually carried high.


The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, although tatty in appearance, is very much a good all-round dog. There may be considerable variation within the breed and some dogs develop highly individual characters. Generally these dogs make good companions and readily fit in with their human family. They usually get along well with other dogs and seem more content if kept together. As is the case with many dogs, the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon thrives on the attention its owner provides and is quite trainable for the assertive owner.


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