breeds of dogs are carnivores,Their digestive system,from the mouth through their intestines,is designed to cope with a meat diet.The dog teeth are adapted to tear food into swallowable sized to tear food chunks rather than to grind the food,and their stomachs can digest food in this state.breeds of dogs have probably evolved from animals that lived on a diet of other animals.Foods,whether for dogs or humans,have to supply energy,from which as well as being the mean of movement,the animal`s body derives heat,materials for growth and repair.For dogs,this involves a satisfactory mixture if the major nutrients-carbohydrates and proteins,in proportions similar to those required for a human which is very important for dog health and protecting him from dog diseases.Dogs foods may be divided into several broad categories.
-moist diets held the major part of the market,they are the tinned foods seen on every supermarket.
-Complete dry feeds are becoming increasingly popular,they needed minimal preparation,they can simply be poured into a dog bowl and given to the dog
-semi-moist diets are not intended to provide balanced diet on their own.They hold a small but significant place in the market,because they involve degree preparation before feeding.It is still fairly minimal,involving the adition of carbohydrate supplements as a mixer.The one thing to remember is that too much food mixing of modern foods can results in nutritional problems.
-special diets are development if the last ten years.Each dog should have his own bowl,although the food is often more interesting on the other dog`s plate.Dogs loves bones but vets don`t because of the risk of bowel stoppage or choking and are very risky for dog health.Never give to your dog a cheap bone.
picture from pet shop,pets supplies
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