dog feeding

dog feeding:the easy way of having a healthy dog.

feeding is essential for dog breeds for building bones,muscles and
nervous system of the dog. dog training and fresh air are also
impotant for general growth of all breeds of dogs and protecting
him from serious dog diseases.

the only person qualified to give certain leads about dog feeding and supplementary vitamins is
the veterinarian.

the food system:the normal female dog milk differs than the cow milk as its density is lower so it
would be prefered to add an amount of egg yolk,a little amount of sugar and olive oil for dog

here is the food system that will help you feed your dog perfectly for any breeds of dogs.

-from 1 to 2 month:

here the dog move from feeding on milk to normal feeding.this change is not less important than
getting the puppy away from his mother or the change in the training
manner,commands,owner,pet bed and finally dog vaccination and medication.

4 meals are prefered daily

-2 meals of milk and egg yolk,olive oil and powder milk.

-2 meals of vegetables,minsed meat and cereals.

generally each puppy eats about 300-400 gram daily ,1/3 of it is minsed meat.

-from 2 to 3 month:

the previous meal is replaced by full meal of vegetables, meat,rice....etc

200 gram meat,100 gram vegetables,3oo gram rice.

the daily meal is from 500-700 gram divided on 3 meals.

-from 4 to 5 month:

400 gram meat,300 gram vegetables,5oo gram rice.

the daily meal is from 1100-1300 gram divided on 3 meals.

-from 5 to 6 month:

600 gram meat,300 gram vegetables,600 gram rice.

the daily meal is from 1400-1600 gram divided on 2 meals.

-from 6 to 12 month:

700 gram meat,400 gram vegetables,700 gram rice.

the daily meal is from 1700-1900 gram divided on 2 meals.

-from 13 month to above:

the daily meal is from 2000-2500 gram in 1 meal

this instructions is just general guides about how you can feed your dog or puppy and you can change it according to any breeds of dogs are yours and your dog health.

dog training is very important for your dog health and protecting him from dog diseases.


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